New England Patriots Offensive Line: Mike Onwenu's Versatility

In a strategic move this past March, the New England Patriots solidified their offensive line by signing Mike Onwenu to an impressive three-year, $57 million contract. This decision underscores the team's commitment to retaining versatile and reliable talents like Onwenu, who has continually proven his mettle since being selected in the sixth round of the 2020 NFL Draft.

Onwenu's journey in the NFL began as a right tackle, where he quickly made a name for himself during his rookie season, establishing a solid presence on the offensive line. His second year saw him taking on dual responsibilities, splitting time between right and left tackle positions. This adaptability would become a hallmark of his playing style, allowing the Patriots to use him in various capacities as needed.

A Role in Flux

The 2022 season brought another shift for Onwenu as he was moved primarily to right guard. This move seemed to be strategic, aiming to make full use of his robust skill set in a new capacity. By the end of the season, he was once again anchoring the right tackle spot, demonstrating his flexibility and readiness to adapt to the team's evolving needs.

Throughout the offseason training activities (OTAs) and into the mandatory minicamp, Onwenu continued to switch between positions. Initially resuming his role at right tackle during OTAs, he then shifted back to right guard during mandatory minicamp and through the first practice of training camp. This readiness to rotate as per team requirements was exemplified during a notable practice session where Calvin Anderson took up right tackle duties, while Chukwuma Okorafor played left tackle, Sidy Sow held the left guard position, and David Andrews anchored the center.

Mindset of Versatility

Mike Onwenu himself has embraced this role with an open mindset. “It was essentially just practice in a few places. Days in and days out, we're going to be switching around, and it's going to be different lines, so just getting the best five out there and practicing, every guy practicing each position, and just knowing that you can play that position,” he stated, reflecting his pragmatic view of the continuous changes.

This attitude resonates with the philosophy laid out by head coach Jerod Mayo, who emphasized the importance of fielding the best players regardless of their position. “I've had this conversation with AVP [Alex Van Pelt]. I've also talked to Mike and the rest of those offensive linemen. Look, we're going to put the best five players out there on the field as an offensive line. If that means you've got to play guard or play tackle, I don't know. We'll see, it'll play itself out in camp. That's my mindset, it's about putting the best players on the field,” Mayo clarified.

Onwenu also reflected on his experience and unexpectedness of switching roles. “It was a little surprising. Pretty much as a football player, I've done it in the past. I started as a guard, started as a jumbo tackle, and then I played tackle. It's just one of the positions that I play,” he shared, indicating his broad experience across multiple line positions.

As the Patriots delve deeper into training camp, the flexibility and preparedness of players like Onwenu will be pivotal. Onwenu acknowledges the necessity of this adaptability in making strategic decisions for the season. “It is very important. It's early now so we had the OTAs, we had the spring, but we're getting into live football now. As the practices and the days go on, we'll see who fits where and how that fits with the best five,” he noted, succinctly capturing the essence of this evaluation period.

With Mike Onwenu's lucrative new contract and his demonstrated versatility on the field, the Patriots are well-positioned to face the upcoming season. His adaptability, combined with a shared team philosophy of placing the best talent in the most impactful positions, speaks volumes about the Patriots' strategic approach to building a robust and flexible offensive line. As the training camp progresses, all eyes will be on how these adjustments play out, ensuring the best possible configuration come game days.