American Beach Volleyball Pair Chase Budinger and Miles Evans Exit Olympics After Intense Battles

American beach volleyball players Chase Budinger and Miles Evans saw their Olympic journey at the Paris Summer Games come to an end after a series of intense matches. The former NBA player turned beach volleyball competitor and his partner showcased determination and skill, but ultimately fell short, exiting after the lucky loser stage.

A Promising Start and Tough Battles

The duo kicked off their Olympic campaign on a high note, securing a victory against France in their initial match. However, the momentum shifted as they faced formidable opponents from the Netherlands and Spain, both of whom handed the Americans losses.

Their hopes of advancing were dashed when they encountered the Norwegian powerhouse team of Anders Mol and Christian Sorum. The two-time World Champions and Olympic gold medalists proved too strong, defeating Budinger and Evans with scores of 21-16 and 21-14. Despite their best efforts, the tactical prowess and synergy of Mol and Sorum sealed the fate of the American pair.

A Unique Athletic Journey

Chase Budinger's transition from the NBA to beach volleyball has been nothing short of remarkable. After a seven-year career in professional basketball, Budinger embraced the sandy courts and partnered with Evans at the start of the two-year Olympic qualifying season. Their journey was an uphill battle but culminated in earning enough points to compete in Paris in the final two weeks before the Games commenced.

"Playing in the Olympics, playing in this venue, will definitely be up there with some of my greatest basketball moments, for sure," Budinger reflected on his experience. His athletic versatility did not go unnoticed. Norwegian opponent Anders Mol remarked on Budinger’s transition, stating, "So much respect for Chase, who was able to play in the NBA for many years and was a great player there. And now he manages to play an Olympic sport for USA, beach volleyball. Those two sports are so different. He is a really athletic guy. And it's really cool. I have so much respect for that journey."

A Memorable Venue and Looking Ahead

Playing beneath the iconic Eiffel Tower, Budinger and Evans experienced the pinnacle of their athletic journey. With 12,000 fans in attendance, the night was electric and full of emotion. The significance of the surroundings was not lost on the players. "Playing underneath the lights, underneath the Eiffel Tower, which was sparkling – you can't replicate these types of memories that we'll have," Budinger noted.

Evans echoed these sentiments, stating, "We've been hyping this up for so long, and it definitely exceeded expectations. This is by far the coolest thing I've ever done in my entire life." Such a setting offered the pair a moment to reflect on their journey. "We took a moment before we had to head out, just, 'Let's look at this one more time. We're not going to see this again,'" Evans added.

As they turn their gaze to the future, the duo is optimistic about their prospects for the Los Angeles Olympics in 2028. The event holds personal significance as the beach volleyball venue is set for Santa Monica, familiar territory for the Americans. "I hope that we can make the 2028 Olympics and see what that's all about. But this will always be one of the best memories of my life," Evans stated.

Budinger, who will be approaching 40 years old at the time of the next Olympics, maintains a pragmatic outlook regarding his future in the sport. "I'll be old as dirt. I've always said it's really up to my body. And I take it year by year of how my body's feeling. Right now I can say my body's been feeling great," he acknowledged. For now, the pair can relish an unforgettable chapter in their athletic careers, emboldened by the support of their fans and the unforgettable experience of playing on one of the world's most iconic stages.